Home | The Architect
(Κλικ: 351;προσθήκη ιστοσελίδας: Apr 19, 2014)
- ΣΥΝΔΕΣΜΟΣ: thearchitect.gr
- Χώρα: Ελλάδα
- λέξη-κλειδί 1: web design
- λέξη-κλειδί 2: web development
- λέξη-κλειδί 3: software engineer
- λέξη-κλειδί 7: î»î¿î³î¹ïî¼î¹îºï
- λέξη-κλειδί 8: internet
The Architect is a software development lab which creates unique apps and solutions. Î- The Architect είναι μια εÏαιÏία ανάπÏÏ Î¾Î·Ï Î»Î¿Î³Î¹ÏÎ¼Î¹ÎºÎ¿Ï Î· οποία Î´Î·Î¼Î¹Î¿Ï Ïγεί μοναδικÎÏ ÎµÏαÏμογÎÏ ÎºÎ